Back Pain Treatments

Anyone can develop back pain, with millions of individuals impacted each year – many of whom are forced to miss work and other activities. If back pain has begun to disrupt your daily Sterling, VA routine, Dr. Jason Winseck at Cascades Laser Pain Center offers advanced laser techniques to treat a variety of conditions that may cause back pain.  

Back Pain Causes

Back pain can range from intermittently mild to uncomfortable to chronically debilitating. The variation in pain can be attributed to its underlying cause and the progression of the condition, both of which will determine the most effective treatment required. Class IV laser treatments offered at Cascades Laser Pain Center have the potential to treat the symptoms associated with -

  • Herniated/Bulging Discs

The discs located between the spinal vertebrae perform as shock absorbers of the body’s natural movement. If a disc becomes misaligned by bulging or herniation, it may press on a nerve and cause back pain or pain that gets referred to other areas.   

  • Sprained Ligaments or Strained Muscles

Back muscles and ligaments can become injured if you move suddenly, in an awkward direction, or from overuse. The result causes pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion.

  • Osteoarthritis

Back pain from osteoarthritis occurs because the cartilage that cushions the joints connecting the vertebrae is deteriorating.

  • Spinal Stenosis

If your spinal canal narrows, the condition is known as spinal stenosis. The narrowed canal presses on spinal nerves, which results in pain, numbness, and stiffness.

  • Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a medical disorder that is characterized by bones that are vulnerable to fracture and breakage.   

  • Medical Conditions Affecting the Spine

Scoliosis, for example, may create an abnormal curvature of the spine resulting in pain and reduced mobility.

In addition, being overweight can cause back pain, which is especially true for those whose Body Mass Index exceeds 30.

Laser Treatments for Back Pain

At Cascades Laser Pain Center, we offer potent Class IV laser treatments, which are done after the initial treatments are done in Dr. Winseck’s other office. The laser targets the body at a cellular level. It helps to reduce swelling and pain while stimulating the body’s natural ability to repair its tissue.

Advanced Laser Techniques for Back Pain Relief

Contact Cascades Laser Pain Center in Sterling VA, to schedule a consultation or an appointment for back pain relief. A member of Dr.Winseck’s staff is available to help and can be reached at 703-404-0350 and online.

Office Hours

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10:00 am-6:00 pm


11:00 am-4:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


Friday appointments will correspond with our Saturday

10:00 am-1:00 pm


Every 2nd and 4th of the Month

10:00 am-1:00 pm



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